Club Show 2019

GS Breeders and Owners Club (27/07/2019)


Judge Dolores Montgomery (Gatti)
BD Amoyalois Rufus for Cadasaro
RBD Flamuna Zetes
BB Nixtev Selenia With Longsdale
RBB Jansanleis Envy
BOB Nixtev Selenia With Longsdale + BIS
BPIB Longsdale's Rebel Rouser at Cwrtafon BPIS
BVIB Nixtev Selenia With Longsdale BVIS
  45 dogs   52 entries


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1st Longsdale's Rebel Rouser At Cwrtafon +BPIB

1st Longsdale's Rebel Rouser At Cwrtafon

1st Nixtev Blackhawk
2nd Lindcoly Black Inkspot

1st Nixtev Blackhawk
2nd Lindcoly Black Inkspot

1st Lindcoly Blue Moon
2nd Flamuna Awesome As

1st Flamuna Arktouros
2nd Lindcoly The One & Only

OPEN DOG (5,0)
1st CH Amoyalois Rufus For Cadasadro +BD +RBOB
2nd CH Musique Aslan
3rd CH Longsdale's Turning Tables At Cwrtafon
4th Fisherbloom Black Shamen With Nosregor
5th Ir CH Zephon Aiko At Lindcoly

1st Flamuna Zetes +RBD +BVD
2nd Hocombewood Hot Toddy For Lindcoly

1st Longsdale's Love I Lost +BPB +RBPIB
2nd Lindcoly Crazy Little Thing

1st Lindcoly Vision In Blue

1st Lindcoly Love Affair


1st Flamuna Kallisto

1st Bulbo Star Attraction At Cwrtafon
2nd Nixtev Vitesse At Teamor

1st CH Jansanleis Envy +RBB
2nd Ir CH Cadasaro Let's Parti
3rd Longdale's One and Only
4th Lindcoly Wishing On A Star

1st CH Nixtev Selenia With Longsdale +BB +BOB +BIS +BVIS
2nd Ichmoran Primrose Polka
3rd Bulabs Leading Lady

1st CH Amoyalois Rufus For Cadasadro
2nd Hocombewood Hot Toddy For Lindcoly
3rd Ir CH Zephon Aiko At Lindcoly
4th Flamuna Arktouros
5th Longsdale's Love I Lost




Minor Puppy Dog

1st Francis, Pearce & Roberts’ Longsdale’s Rebel Rouser At Cwrtafon – This 7 month old puppy has a wonderful outline and is balanced when viewed from all sides. Correct head shape; good neck-line and well placed shoulders. Moved exceptionally well for one so young. BPIB. BPIS

Puppy Dog

1st Francis, Pearce & Roberts’ Longsdales Rebel Rouser At Cwrtafon – As above

Junior Dog

1st Rosebury-Lowe’s Nixtev Blackhawk – Perhaps a tiny bit on the big side as he didn’t quite fit under the measure however, my notes say ‘lovely dog’. Head developing well; good eye shape, good expression. His topline was good while standing and while he was moving. Angulation was correct front and rear.
2nd Felix’s Lindcoly Black Inkspot – Not wearing his best jacket on the day but this meant he had little to hide. I liked his head and neckline but his topline was not as strong as I would have liked. This could be an age issue and as his muscles develop, his back is likely to strengthen. Movement was quite difficult to assess to start with but once settled, he went quite well. Tail correctly set and carried.

Special Yearling Dog

1st Rosebury-Lowe’s Nixtev Blackhawk
2nd Felix’s Lindcoly Black Inkspot

Post Graduate Dog

What a happy couple of dogs; really enjoying their day out and a joy to see.

1st Saich’s Lindcoly Blue moon – I loved the outline of this class winner and the way he moved around the ring so freely. Pleasing head; good rear angulation but thought him a little down on his pasterns but these might strengthen with time as he is still only 20 months old.
2nd Heslop’s Flamuna Awesome As – Overall a nice looking, well proportioned dog having a fair outline, a good front and good feet. I thought his skull looked a bit too broad when viewed from above and I found him a bit ‘lippy’. Went well around the ring.

Limit Dog

1st Heslop’s Flamuna Arktouros – A very pleasing 7year old with a lovely, square outline; good topline held when on the move; excellent mover; handsome head with masculine expression; good angulation of hindquarters. Well balanced when viewed from all directions.
2nd Saichs Lindcoly The One And Only – Although this dog also had a pleasant head I did not think that it was as masculine as my class winner. Forequarters and hindquarters were well constructed so I was surprised when his front action was not as positive as my class winner.

Open Dog

Breed type was quite mixed in this class but it did have some lovely examples of the breed.

1st O’Leary’s IR, UK & INTL CH Amoyalois Rufus For Cadasaro (JUN CH). – A fabulous example of the breed. So well put together with correct proportions throughout; good, masculine head; lovely neck line; correct shoulder placement; well ribbed up, correct tuck up for the breed; tail set and carriage good. Moved soundly coming and going as well as with drive around the ring, covering the ground so easily. Best Dog. Res Best Of Breed; BOS. RBIS
2nd Chamber’s Ch. Musique Aslan – I loved the head of this dog, such beautiful lines and structure. Like my class winner, this dog had a super outline and although perhaps a little straighter in stifle, he moved very well.
3rd Robert’s Ch. Longsdale’s Turning Tables At Cwrtafon – Not as square in outline as the previous two and perhaps a little longer in the muzzle but a typy dog none the less. Thought his neck line and shoulder placement good. He moved well on small rounded feet. Good tail set and carriage.

Veteran Dog

1st Heslop’s Flamuna Zetes – Although 7 years old this dog had the outline and general construction of a much younger dog, covering the ground well when moving. I thought he had a superb head on a strong neck and good shoulder placement. Correct forechest. Good bone throughout. Res Best Dog.
2nd Saich’s Hocombewood Hot Toddy For Lindcoly – Although I thought this dog a little small for the breed, he is well balanced in construction with good proportions complementing his slightly smaller frame. Head perhaps not as masculine as my class winner but not unpleasant in any way. Moved effortlessly around the ring.

Minor Puppy Bitch

1st Francis & Pearce’s Longsdale’s Love I Lost – A typy bitch showing really well; good shoulder placement and upper arm angulation; strong back; strong forequarters and hindquarters. Tail correctly set and well carried. Perhaps a little long cast but this can improve with age. She moved really well for one so young. Best Puppy Bitch; BPIB. RBPIS.
2nd Saich’s Lindcoly Crazy Little Thing – A lovely youngster enjoying her day out. Feminine head and expression; good length of neck; good shoulders. Very pretty youngster with many positive breed points. Movement was quite difficult to assess and suspect the very heavy rain could have unsettled her slightly.

Puppy Bitch

1st Saich’s Lindcoly Vision In Blue – This 7 month old, lively youngster was really enjoying her day out. Good head with a pleasant expression; body a little long cast but as with my previous class winner, I feel this can improve as she matures and develops. Very strong quarters and she moved quite well. Tail was perhaps a little low set. Res Best Puppy Bitch

Junior Bitch

1st Saich’s Lindcoly Love Affair – A really nice youngster to go over with many positive breed points. I thought she had a pleasing head and feminine expression; nice neck-line with good shoulders and her tail set is good. When she moved she really showed herself off really well.

Post Graduate Bitch

1st Heslop’s Flamuna Kallisto – Sweet girl with a delightful head and expression; excellent tail set and carriage on a lovely outline with good proportions; good bone throughout; showed well.

Limit Bitch

1st Robert’s Bullbo Star Attraction At Cwrtafon – Excellent breed type in lovely condition; well constructed with correct topline and good angulation front and rear, which for very good movement. Well handled.
2nd Alfred’s Nixtev Vitesse At Teamor – A little longer cast than my class winner; excellent pigmentation; good coat texture and condition. Although she was able to maintain her topline when moving, her front action was not as positive as I would have liked.

Open Bitch

1st Moir’s Ch Jansanleis Envy JW – I loved the type of this girl; she is so nicely balanced and constructed through and through; nice length of back, well ribbed, short coupled; excellent tail; lovely pigment. Lovely to go over. She moved really well around the ring Res Best Bitch
2nd O’Leary’s IR CH Cadasaro Lets Parti – Another nicely constructed girl with enough bone and angulation front and back. Moved quite well around the ring. I thought her ears could have been a little smaller.
Francis & Pearce’s Ch. Longsdale’s One And Only – There is much to like about this girl. Lovely feminine head, good shoulders and level topline. Moving a little wide in front
3rd Saich’s Lindcoly Wishing On A Star

Veteran Bitch

1st Francis & Pearce’s Ch. Nixtev Selenia With Longsdale – Difficult to believe that this beautiful example of the breed is 7.5 years old! She is so full of quality and in wonderful condition. Good, broad head with moderate stop; good neck, correct slope of shoulder; good topline; nice tuck-up; good angulation. Moved like a youngster. Well handled. Best Bitch. Best Veteran in Breed & BOB. BIS.BVIS
2nd Saich’s Ichmoran Primrose Polka – Lovely breed type; I loved her super head with such a lively expression. Excellent ear set and carriage. Perhaps carrying a little extra weight at the moment but this did not impinge on her overall quality.
3rd Purves’s Bulabs Leading Lady – Not wearing her best coat at the moment. Strong level topline, held standing and on the move. A little bold in eye which spoiled her expression a little. Tail not as high set as I would like.

Members’ Open Stakes

O’Leary’s IR, UK & INTL CH Amoyalois Rufus for Cadasaro (JUN CH)
Saich’s Hocombewood Hot Toddy For Lindcoly
Saich’s Ir Ch Zephon Akio At Lindcoly
Heslop’s Flamuna Arktouros



Judge Dolores Montgomery (Gatti)
BD Longsdales Cool Rider
RBD Longsdale Heat Of The Moment
BB Nosregor Lies'n'Deceet
RBB Fecimus One Of Us
BOB Longsdales Cool Rider + RBIS
BPIB Musique Born Legacy
BVIB Longsdale's Willie Win
  29 dogs   37 entries


Minor Puppy Dog (0 entries)

Puppy Dog (3 entries, 1 abs)
1st Chamber’s Musique Born Legacy +BPIB
2nd Gep-Cox’s Manzamas Pearl Driver TAF (IMP SWE) 

Junior Dog (2 entries)

1st Francis & Pearce’s Ch. Longsdales Blame It On Me 
2nd Chamber’s Musique Born Legacy 

Post Graduate Dog (1 entry)
1st Rogerson’s Nosregor Willhe Doo

Limit Dog (2 entries, 1 abs)
1st Francis & Pearce’s Longsdale Heat Of The Moment +RBD

Open Dog (6 entries, 2 abs)
1st Francis, Pearce & Quinn’s IR Ch Longsdales Cool Rider +BD, BOB, RBIS
2nd Lewis’s Indizak Hakuna Matata At Louchelle SHCM 
3rd Moir’s Jansanleis Loud N’ Proud
Res Jackson & Minshall's Perrymere Just Bertie JW

Veteran Dog (1 entry)
1st Francis & Pearce’s Ch. Longsdale’s Willie Win JW +BBIB

Minor Puppy Bitch (1 entry)
1st Macpherson’s Kismet Night Fury

Puppy Bitch (2 entries)
1st Slack’s Fecimus One Of Us +BPB, RBB
2nd Agar’s Musique Crème De La Crème 

Junior Bitch (2 entries, 1 abs)
1st Slack’s Fecimus One Of Us 

Post Graduate Bitch (0 entries)

Limit Bitch (2 entries, 1 abs)
1st Grayer’s Radajasa’s Nancy Wake At Delgray

Open Bitch (6 entries, 2 abs)
1st Rogerson’s Ch Nosregor Lies ‘N’ Deceet +BB, BOS, RBOB
2nd Francis & Pearce’s Ch Longsdale’s Dilemma 
3rd Macpherson’s Wildandfree Lady Margareth At Kismet (IMP EST) 
Res Chambers' Manzamas Made With Pride (Imp Swe)

Members’ Open Stakes (6 entries)
1st Francis & Pearce’s Ch Longsdale’s Willie Win JW
2nd Francis & Pearce’s Ch Longsdale’s Blame It On me
3rd Chamber’s Musique Born Legacy
Res  Francis & Pearce’s Ch Longsdale’s Dilemma




I felt honoured to be invited to judge the club show of this delightful breed. It was probably over 20 years ago when I first judged German Spitz and have not judged them often over the years. Type is more uniform now then it was all that time ago and I have noticed how this has gradually changed. Although there still seems to be 2 distinct types, the differences between the types is not as marked as it has been in the past. I did find that size with the Klein was good but with the Mittels it was a little more varied. Conformation was good with only a few lacking in soundness and movement was mostly good.

The heavy rain at the edge of the ring did unsettle some of the dogs but not enough so that movement could not be assessed. Someone pointed out that their dog was definitely ‘fair weather’ and I think a few felt the same way.

Several dogs had a rather prominent stop, often coupled with round eyes, which is not particularly attractive and may even be a little uncomfortable for the dogs as they had weepy eyes. Pigmentation was good for both the Kleins and the Mittels. The breed standard states that the German Spitz is supposed to be ‘active and alert’. I feel sure many of the dogs had read the breed standard as they were definitely ‘active’ on the day, enjoying their day out despite the heavy rain.

My grateful thanks to all the exhibitors who were very kind and took my decisions so graciously. Thanks must also go to my steward who did a sterling job keeping track of all the dogs in the many classes. I do hope the day was enjoyed by all!

This was not the easiest of classes to judge as type was varied between my 2 entries

Puppy Dog

1st Chamber’s Musique Born Legacy - A nice youngster to go over; good neck, well set into shoulders; lovely outline both standing and on the move. Moderate rear angulation; good tail set. I thought he was a little bold in eye and perhaps had a little too much stop. BPIB
2nd Gep-Cox’s Manzamas Pearl Driver TAF (IMP SWE) - Similar in age to my class winner but a little longer caste. Good front and rear angulation; he moved really well around the ring. His head was not as mature or masculine as my 1st placing but think time will improve this.

Junior Dog

1st Francis & Pearce’s Ch. Longsdales Blame It On Me – What a lovely example of the breed this 17 month youngster is. Correct head with pleasing expression; correctly set ears; lovely neck and outline; good body length; good tail set and carriage. Moved so well around the ring. Difficult to fault. Extremely well handled.
2nd Chamber’s Musique Born Legacy – (as puppy dog)

Post Graduate Dog

1st Rogerson’s Nosregor Willhe Doo – Nice head with a moderate stop and kind expression; correct bite. Good neck and shoulders, quite well ribbed up but perhaps a little long in back. Good tail set quite high. Movement not as fluid as I would like.

Limit Dog

1st Francis & Pearce’s Longsdale Heat Of The Moment – Like my junior dog class winner, I thought this dog a super example of the breed. Lovely head and expression; correct angulation; good tail set and carriage; correct outline for the breed; well presented; moved so well around the ring. Res Best Dog.

Open Dog

I really enjoyed judging this class as there were some really lovely examples of the breed.

1st Francis, Pearce & Quinn’s IR Ch Longsdales Cool Rider – A well proportioned male which has so many good breed points that I found it difficult to fault him. Lovely head; excellent front; Correct shoulders; super outline with excellent proportions; correctly angulated rear quarters; good feet; in top condition throughout. Had the best movement of the day. Best Dog. BOB
2nd Lewis’s Indizak Hakuna Matata At Louchelle SHCM – Not as strong on the move as my class winner but much to like about this one. Good head, correct bite, nice pigment; good depth of chest. Longer coupled than the first placing and not as strong on the move. Good tail placement and carriage.
3rd Moir’s Jansanleis Loud N’ Proud – A 4 year old with which also had much to like. Good head, level topline; good tail placement. Front action good but not so strong in the rear.

Veteran Dog

1st Francis & Pearce’s Ch. Longsdale’s Willie Win JW – Another very good example of the breed. Viewed from the top I thought his head shape very good but when viewed from the side I wondered if he didn’t have a little too much stop and he was a little bold in eye. Ear placement was good, neck and shoulders good and I liked his breed type. He was moving a little wide in front but that could be a function of age, however when going around the ring, side on he looked lovely. Best Veteran

Minor Puppy Bitch

1st Macpherson’s Kismet Night Fury – Pretty feminine girl with a very pretty head and expressive eyes. Good type throughout; good topline. Currently a little long cast but feel sure there is much growing and maturing to be done. Good tail set with a well carried tail. A little nervous on the day but she is still very much a ‘baby’ in so many ways.

Puppy Bitch

1st Slack’s Fecimus One Of Us – I liked this puppy bitch. Typical head shape; good front; level topline. Nice overall shape throughout for her age. She carried her tail correctly both when standing and on the move. This young bitch did not really rate the wet weather and was not keen to move anywhere close to where it was raining. Best Puppy Bitch. Res Best Bitch
2nd Agar’s Musique Crème De La Crème – Another nice youngster but very much a ‘teenager’ in all ways. Although there is much to like about this youngster, such as good breed type, good head, correct bite, nice neck and shoulders, I felt her movement was not as fluid as my class winner; her movement was a little loose in front and her tail set and carriage was not as good as I would like.

Junior Bitch

1st Slack’s Fecimus One Of Us – As previous class

Limit Bitch

1st Grayer’s Radajasa’s Nancy Wake At Delgray – Mature 3 year old with a nice outline standing and held on the move. I thought she was a little bit short in foreface, which spoilt her expression a little. Viewed from the side, her movement was good but coming towards me, she moved a little wide. I felt her tail was perhaps a little too tightly curled.

Open Bitch

1st Rogerson’s Ch Nosregor Lies ‘N’ Deceet – A gorgeous example of the breed; looked lovely standing with a correct level topline which she held on the move> Her overall proportions are excellent and I found it difficult to fault her. She showed herself off so beautifully. Hard to believe that she is nearly 7 years old as she looked half that age. In excellent condition. Best Bitch. BOS
2nd Francis & Pearce’s Ch Longsdale’s Dilemma – Another bitch I liked but felt that her outline was not as good as my class winner, however her movement was excellent. She has good, small rounded feet; high set tail correctly placed over her back. I thought her head not as flat as required by the breed standard.
3rd Macpherson’s Wildandfree Lady Margareth At Kismet (IMP EST) – An exciting bitch to go over but she didn’t move as well as her conformation suggested. Loved her head and thought she had good eye and ear shape and placement. Good topline.

Members’ Open Stakes

1st Francis & Pearce’s Ch Longsdale’s Willie Win JW
2nd Francis & Pearce’s Ch Longsdale’s Blame It On me
3rd Chamber’s Musique Born Legacy