2021 online show rules/how to enter
Judges and prizes to be announced.Pedigree classes are open to German Spitz Klein/Mittel with a recognised and valid KC registration. International entries are welcome.
Each dog can only enter 1 age class in accordance with what age it is/was in the photo regardless of what age it is now but can also enter any of the non-age classes.
Photos must have copyright clearance/permission to use and need to be big enough/good enough quality for our judge(s) to actually be able to see them!
Photos should show the actual dog and not a digitally altered version.
Above all, please remember this is meant to be fun for all involved and to help us raise funds to benefit our breed.
Please send your entries via messenger on our FB club page
Include the following
Breed Classes:-
KC Registered name of dog
Date of Birth
Age of dog in the photo
Class number(s) to be entered in.
You must be the owner or breeder of any dogs entered in the breed classes.
Fun Classes:-
Name of Dog(s)
Class number(s) to be entered in.
If entering multiple dogs please make it clear who is who in photos as FB renames files so we don't want to mix them up.
Your payment should be sent to https://paypal.me/pools/c/8xg9DZ5U94
Entry fees 50p/class or £5 for unlimited classes.

Entries for our second online show are now open.
More details of classes and how to enter available on our
Facebook page
Providing we receive enough support for our online shows we intend to run a few and hopefully help raise some money along the way for the breed health fund to go towards DNA research of PRA in the breed.
More information is available here