Online Show Classification
1 Baby Puppy Dog up to 6 months
2 Puppy Dog 6 months & 1 day to 12 months
3 Yearling Dog 12 months & 1 day to 24 months
4 Adult Dog - 2 years & 1 day to 5 years
5 Adult Dog - 5 years & 1 day to 7 years
6 Veteran Dog - 7 and older
7 Baby Puppy Bitch up to 6 months
8 Puppy Bitch 6 months & 1 day to 12 months
9 Yearling Bitch 12 months & 1 day to 24 months
10 Adult Bitch - 2 years & 1 day to 5 years
11 Adult Bitch - 5 years & 1 day to 7 years
12 Veteran Bitch - 7 and older
BOB, RBOB, BVIB & BPIB now judged
13 Best Head (headshot photo)
14 Best Mover (movement/gaiting photo)
15 Baby Puppy Dog up to 6 months
16 Puppy Dog 6 months & 1 day to 12 months
17 Yearling Dog 12 months & 1 day to 24 months
18 Adult Dog - 2 years & 1 day to 5 years
19 Adult Dog - 5 years & 1 day to 7 years
20 Veteran Dog - 7 and older
21 Baby Puppy Bitch up to 6 months
22 Puppy Bitch 6 months & 1 day to 12 months
23 Yearling Bitch 12 months & 1 day to 24 months
24 Adult Bitch - 2 years & 1 day to 5 years
25 Adult Bitch - 5 years & 1 day to 7 years
26 Veteran Bitch - 7 and older
BOB, RBOB, BVIB & BPIB now judged
27 Best Head (headshot photo)
28 Best Mover (movement/gaiting photo)
Fun Classes (open to all breeds unless stated otherwise)
101 Rescue German Spitz (Free entry)
102 Handsomest Dog
103 Prettiest Bitch
104 Cutest Puppy (up to to 12 months)
105 Golden Oldies (7 and older)
106 Best Friends
107 Action Shot
108 Mucky/Soggy Dogs
109 My Dog/Bitch Makes Me Laugh
110 The Odd Couple
111 Group Shot
112 Dog/Bitch with the biggest smile
113 Bad Hair Day
114 Prettiest Eyes
115 Tongues Out!